Summary of a bird survey at Citadelle National Park in northern Haiti, May, 1993, by University of Florida. Download 1993 Citadelle Bird Study.
Summary of bird surveys in the southern part of Macaya National Park, February, 2004. Led by Chris Rimmer (Vermont Center for Ecostudies) in collaboration with SAH. Download 2004 Macaya Bird Study.
Summary of bird surveys in La Visite National Park, January – February, 2005. Led by Chris Rimmer (VCE) in collaboration with SAH. Published in J. Carib. Ornithol. 23:31-43, 2010. Download 2005 La Visite Bird Study.
Summary of bird surveys in Macaya National Park, February, 2006. Led by Chris Rimmer (Vermont Center for Ecostudies) in collaboration with SAH. Download 2006 Macaya Bird Study.
A birding trip report by Olivier Langrand (Executive Director / Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund) that covers several areas of the Massif de la Selle (including La Visite National Park) and the Massif de la Hotte (including Macaya National Park) during May 24-28, 2010. Download 2010 Langrand Birding Report.
In Search of Haiti’s Birds by Jason Townsend with photography by Eladio Fernandez. Published in Living Bird, Spring, 2006. Download 2006 Search for Haiti’s Birds.
Results of a multi-disciplinary study of the fauna and flora of Macaya National Park, led by SAH in collaboration with UEH, UNDH, JBSD, VCE, ULB, MHNSD, SOH, and TUZ. This 102-page document covers the diversity of mollusks, birds, plants and plant communities found in the park and its immediate environs. It also describes several caves characteristic of the karst geology in this area. Download 2006 Macaya Biological Study.
Discovery of Ricord’s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) in Haiti by Ernst Rupp & Masani Accimé, photography by authors, John Binn and Nelson Jean. Published in IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians, Vol. 18 (3), September, 2011. Download 2011 Ricord’s Iguana Discovery.
Key Biodiversity Areas of Haiti identifies the most important areas in Haiti to conserve the island’s rich and unique biodiversity. The document is a collaborative efforts of national and international organizations that lead conservation efforts in the country. It is available in English, French and Haitian Creole. Download 2011 Key Biodiversity Areas of Haiti (English Version), French Version, or Creole Version.
Status and Ecology of the American Crocodile in Haiti is the result of a MSc. thesis by the late Dr. John Thornbjarnarson while he was a student at University of Florida, Gainesville. Go to Conservation Status of American Crocodile in Haiti.
Relevé de la pêche en Haiti is a survey of fisheries in Haiti, 1943. Despite the outdated nomenclature, this is a good introduction to the fish that are most commonly caught by Haitian fishers. Go to Releve de la Peche.
A 2014 analysis of remaining natural forests of Massif de la Hotte based on 1984 – 2013 Landsat satellite imagery and modeling techniques used to generate highest likelihood of pixels representing closed forests over the 30-year period. This study was conducted at the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing in Ecology (LARSE). Download Forest Cover Assessment Massif de la Hotte, Haiti.
A 2015 analysis of natural forest cover in the Grand Bois and Grande Colline areas of the Massif de la Hotte that are targeted as protected areas of exceptionally high endemic biodiversity. Download English version of Forest Cover Analysis of Grand Bois and Grande Colline, Haiti. Download French version of Couverture forestiere de Grand Bois et Grande Colline, Haiti.
A 2015 compilation of thematic maps that provides a geographic profile of Grande Colline, an area of the Massif de la Hotte that became part of Macaya National Park in 2015. Themes include administrative boundaries, population, habitat density, geology, hydrogeology, hydrography, Holdridge Life Zones, precipitation, soils, soil erosion risk, soil quality, and land use cover. Download English version of Geographic Profile of Grande Colline, Haiti. Download French version of Profil Géographique de Grande Colline, Haiti.
A 2015 compilation of thematic maps that provides a geographic profile of Grand Bois, a rare mid-elevation native rain forest that is being considered as a protected area. Themes include administrative boundaries, population, habitat density, geology, hydrogeology, hydrography, Holdridge Life Zones, precipitation, soils, soil erosion risk, soil quality, and land use cover. Download English version of Geographic Profile of Grand Bois, Haiti. Download French version of Profil Géographique de Grand Bois, Haiti.
A 2015 socio-economic study of the Grand Bois and Grande Colline areas under consideration as protected areas in the Massif de la Hotte, Haiti. Authored by Jean-François Tardieu, expert in regional planning and social surveys in Haiti. Télécharger la version française de l’Étude Socio-économique de la Grande Colline et Grand Bois.
A survey of freshwater springs in the Grand Bois and Grande Colline, Haiti. Grande Colline is considered part of the Parc National Naturel de Macaya protected area and Grand Bois is under consideration as a private forest reserve. Télécharger la version française de l’Évaluation Environnementale des Sources d’Eau situées dans les Zones de Grand Bois et de Grande Colline.
An environmental education strategy oriented to the stakeholders of the Grand Bois and Grande Colline areas of the Massif de la Hotte, Haiti. Grande Colline is considered part of the Parc National Naturel de Macaya protected area and Grand Bois is under consideration as a private forest reserve. Télécharger la version française du Plan de Sensibilisation et d’Éducation Environnementale.
This landmark decree of 2005 establishes the foundation of environmental management in Haiti, including a financial mechanism to sustain investments in sound conservation of natural resources and an agency to develop a national system of protected areas. Download 2005 Environmental Decree.
Stewardship Plan for the National Parks and Natural Areas of Haiti was published by University of Florida (Gainesville) in 1992. Go to Stewardship Plan.