Haitian Partners

Sunrise Airways is one of the premiere airlines of the Caribbean, based in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It serves travel destinations in Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Cuba with upcoming service to Jamaica, the Turks & Caicos Islands and the Bahamas. In recognition of the company’s commitment to the mission of Société Audubon Haïti, the Hispaniolan Trogon – the national bird of Haiti – was selected as its call sign.



Banque de la République d’Haïti is the proud sponsor of the 2016 SAH calendar and works with SAH to achieve its mission in Haiti.



ePower is the proud sponsor of the 2016 SAH calendar and has pledged additional support to SAH.


Fondation Macaya is based out of Rendel, along the Port-à-Piment river whose headwaters begin in Macaya National Park.  They are involved in the       support of local communities to address threats to deforestation and loss of biodiversity in the southwestern area of the national park.


Fondation Seguin is a non-profit organization involved in the development of La Visite National Park and its environs.  Their activities include a wide array of initiatives including small business development, park management support, land restoration investments, environmental education and eco-tourism.

Quisqueya University has engaged with Société Audubon Haïti since its beginning, grace to the tireless efforts of its Rector, Jacky Lumarque, also a founding member of SAH. UNiQ has supported SAH among its faculty, students and friends of the university in education, research and conservation.


Université Notre Dame d’Haïti is partnering with SAH in areas of research, education and conservation. UNDH has campuses throughout Haiti, thus providing opportunities to reach out in support of our mission to conserve Haiti’s natural heritage.




International Partners

BirdLife International is the world’s largest partnership of conservation organizations with a goal to conserve birds and their habitats.  BirdLife has assisted Société Audubon Haïti through many activities ranging from fundraising, project management, institutional strengthening and facilitating synergies with other BirdLife partners in conservation of Haiti’s biodiversity.


Conservation International is working alongside SAH and other groups in Haiti to raise awareness of conservation issues through photography and online documentation as well as support the research and education necessary to prioritize areas of Haiti that are critical to conserve the endemic biodiversity.


Greater Flamingo

Premiere portal in Canada that focusses on the Caribbean, offering daily news 0n the region and its tourism.  See Nancy Roc’s article published in Le Nouvelliste.


Nature Canada has partnered with SAH in the buffer zone of Macaya National Park area to integrate conservation and restoration of natural habitats with the socio-economic development of the local communities, primarily in the Formond area.



The Center for Biodiversity, Temple University, partners with SAH in research, education and conservation initiatives involving amphibians and reptiles and their habitats in Haiti.  Companion sites developed by the Director, Dr. Blair Hedges, are Caribnature, Caribherp and Caribmap.

Philadelphia Zoo is leading the challenge to develop an ex situ conservation strategy including the captive breeding of threatened Haitian frogs and the integration of this project with field conservation and monitoring activities led by SAH.



Reef Check (www.reefcheck.org).  Reef Check is currently conducting a survey of the coral reefs of Haiti and developing an EcoDiver program in the country to continue monitoring and research.  Results of these activities will provide important scientific data to support SAH’s conservation initiatives with its public and private sector partners.


Vermont Center for Ecostudies and SAH work together in Haiti on research and conservation strategies that aim to protect the wintering habitat of migratory bird species such as Bicknell’s Thrush (Cartharus bicknelli) and Black-capped Petrel  (Pterodroma hasitata).